Reminder Systems
Your doctors have a reminder system in place to inform you about recurring healthcare issues such as skin check reviews and melanoma reviews. Please advise reception if you want to opt out of reminders.
Parents MUST contact the surgery for the each Independent doctor’s appointment policy in regards to Skin checks for children under the age of 16.
If you have any flu like symptoms please contact us by phone if you have an appointment or visiting our clinic for further instructions.
Please do not arrive any earlier than 5 minutes prior to your appointment time unless you are a new patient. New patients MUST arrive 15minutes prior to complete the new patient registration form.
Please be patient when you are attempting to contact the practice as reception staff are dealing with an unprecedented number of enquiries.
Please show respect and understanding when dealing with the reception staff as the Practice cannot tolerate rudeness or aggression towards them as they are only performing their role as required by the Doctors and the Practice guidelines.
Due to the clinic's extremely busy schedules and waiting period for an appointment, it is your doctor's policy that if you do not attend your appointment or cancel your appointment with 24 hrs notice a fee of $60.00 will be incurred and another appointment will not be made until this account is paid.
We thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Your doctors have a reminder system in place to inform you about recurring healthcare issues such as skin check reviews and melanoma reviews. Please advise reception if you want to opt out of reminders.